Mavis & Brian Bell

Meet Mavis and Brian Bell the farmers behind your purchase.

One of King Islands oldest families is the Bell’s running “Beltana”. Their ancestors settled in 1920 in the North of the island. Mavis and Brian have been running working the land since 1956.

Passionate about family succession and the future of the island and its community the Bell’s embody why King Island is considered to be so special.

“Since my wife and I first started here in 1956, we’ve certainly had to deal with challenges – but we’ve always managed to find solutions and feel passionate about keeping the island going strong.” Brian Bell.

The livestock producers are a critical partner in the King Island Beef brand. In line with the laws of Tasmania, the use of added hormones (also known as HGPs) and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is strictly prohibited on King Island, so consumers around the world should feel confident when they enjoy King Island Beef it is as nature intended – all natural.

But the farmers for King Island Beef go one further – they are JBS Australia Farm Assured, which means they have successfully passed a 3rd party audit to further ensure a consistent quality of product and the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained.
